Whoa! What Do You Mean It's 2022?!?

 Howdy, everybody!

I have no idea where the rest of 2021 went... Oh wait... I do remember! I took the advice of the youngin's and went to a social media platform. I don't find it nearly as exciting as writing for the blog.

Does that make me officially old? Yup. And lazy too. I barely even kept up with the Intsa or the Tweets. Facebook? Well, I feel like I did much better there. 

Let me share a couple of things that we accomplished over the remainder of 2021 through the sharing of images.

We became certifiable with our brand new business cards!

In June, Spawn and I went on a Girl's Only trip through Utah and Colorado. We met up with some family here and there, but the roads were narrow, winding and sparsely populated. Until we got to the National Parks. You would've thought is was Black Friday with the crowds. Luckily, Spawn managed to fall asleep EVERY SINGLE TIME we got to monuments. So, I didn't feel guilty driving though slowly and goose necking out the window instead of trying to park and then hiking. A big fat thanks to my kid for passing out at the right time! There were moments of awe (the SCENERY and the Zion tunnel) white knuckles (severe hail/snow storm going through Fish Lake National Forest) and the bittersweet moments (first visit after my uncle's passing, my other uncle's memorial service and the last drive of my Fusion "Eve" who went kaput a month later).


The Other Continental Divide 

We followed up the June trip with a parent only trip to Plan B. Otherwise known as Burning Man 2021.



In September we took advantage of the KOA members weekend and ended up staying for a whole week. A little break before we headed back to CO in October to say goodbye to my grandmother. Gees, the year... We decided to go through Arizona and New Mexico. Tried to hit up the Petrified Forest, but ended up getting to see a gorgeous sunset because we were too late. We didn't take the trailer this trip, but chose to take my new KIA Sportage "Elvira" on the trip instead. What a great road trip car! Without the trailer, we ended up staying in hotel rooms and KOA cabins. It was really fun, but I missed the trailer.


That pretty much rounds out the year. There were so many fun memories, of which I managed to capture in social media, so be sure to check it out. I also need to catch up on some "True Reviews." There were a lot of new places we stayed. Most were amazing. Only one or two reminded me of a rundown hotel.

On to 2022!


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