Fire Tour 2020: Oregon (Act 2)

Welcome to Oregon! We continued our adventure into Oregon, a state I have never been to as an adult. I don’t even remember when I was there as a kid. Once again our trip was impacted by wildfires. The original plan was to visit family in the Eugene/Salem area. But, the highway to Grants Pass had been closed and that also meant we weren’t going to be able to visit the Oregon Vortex or the Enchanted Forest . Boooo! But, the weather was great on the coast. The rain was refreshing. And the bridges were my most favorite thing and one thing I didn't really get great pictures of. Each one was so much more elaborate than my usual SoCal overpass. The drive was absolutely gorgeous and exactly what we were looking for as an alternative to the fast and boring ride of the interstate. Yes, That's a Big AF Bridge (Astoria) Lots of Bridge Construction If we didn't stay on the coast, we would have never found this little gem: The Prehistoric Gardens . It may look camp...