True Review: El Capitan State Beach (California)
El Capitan State Beach : September 2020 This is one place we have been planning to stay for a few months. As with most California beaches, you have to make reservations up to SIX MONTHS before you want to go. It's insane. We got lucky with it being right after Labor Day, COVID cancellations and mid-week. We only stayed for two nights, but it was an ideal first stop on a very long trip. El Capitan SB Space 70 The campground is great. Our spot was right on the edge of the highway side. It's also where the train tracks are. I like trains more than traffic, so I didn't mind that. But when we go back, I'll look for a beach side spot. Yes, we will go back. It's a great dry camping location. No generators after 8pm and no noise after 10pm. We were able to use our propane fire pit , which was awesome because the marine layer was thick, moist and cool. Ah... Moist. A friend's favorite word. *ha ha* Next time we will try and grab a spot on the beach side. It's beau...