Well... We just Got Plugged on Local Radio Loadspeaker

So, I figured I better post something so you all know we are still Rock'n and Roll'n. 

You can't see us, but we're here

I've been busting my hump with my side gig (Virtual Admin for those looking for some organizational help virtually) and still started planning not one, but TWO trips.

And Cabana Boy... Well, read on.

Trip number one has been in the works for some time as my MIL was very interested in a road trip down memory lane. She spent quite some time in Tucson, AZ taking care of her elderly aunt a few years ago. Well, ten years later and she thought it would be neat to check things out. I planned her FIRST camping trip! I was so excited. We got her little cabins right next to our trailer spots (SHOUT OUT to the KOAs for working with us!). I planned a lot, but not too much. The Grand Canyon via the train, Bearizona, Tucson, etc. Very excited. And Spawn was ecstatic! "We're going camping with Jamma!"

Trip number two was up to Yellowstone, through WY and CO to visit family, Manitou Springs, Roswell, Carlsbad Caverns, Tucson (AGAIN)! It was a heck of a trip and long, but SO MUCH cool stuff to see!

Alas... We got as far as Needles, CA, and had to turn around. Due to unforeseen family care responsibilities, we had to turn around on day two and head home. All trips are now in a holding pattern. Bummer.

Then... I had a death in the family. An uncle that I was very close to. Spawn and I went on our own little road trip to CO, with an overnight stay in Cedar City, to help my family.

So, I've been working and taking on full time parent duties, while Cabana Boy is the most amazing man I've ever met and now takes care of our family member almost full time. He's also working on new music and getting gigs scheduled. We have very full plates.

We have posted a few things a'la Intagram and Facebook, so check those out. And eventually I'll get reviews out for Needles KOA and Cedar City Utah KOA.

If you are reading this and new to RNRTA, WELCOME! We do (what I think some are hilarious) reviews on places we stay, DIY projects on travel trailers, overall awesomeness. Thanks for listing to Loudspeaker on 91X. Go see some music! (When it's safe)


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